
CY Bourne
The video should be great for the schools in the US and overseas with all the elements to help us learn....culture, history, geographic, language, farming, technology & beauty of course!对于美国和海外的学校来说,这个视频应该很棒,它包含了所有可以帮助我们学习的元素....文化、历史、地理、语言、农业、科技,当然还有自然之美!
agreed totally完全同意。
Well, in a perfect world, maybe. In reality, this will never happen.也许在一个完美的世界里。事实上,这永远不会发生。
Gh S
Bruh, lots of americans even cant point on map where the US is兄弟,很多美国人甚至不能在地图上指出美国在哪里原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
wen deng
Couldn't agree more 完全同意
Johnny's cafe
Sadly I feel the authorities that be may take the opportunity to score political points by editing, changing the narrative and making it a negative video.可悲的是,我觉得当局可能会利用这个机会,通过剪辑、改变叙述、制作负面视频来为政治加分。
Hi Amy!
This is such an informative vlog to learn about Chinese Tea! Thanks for showing us the process of “making tea” it’s amazing!嗨,艾米!
Adora Tsang
That's my parents' hometown. I'm a tea lover too. I recommend going north to the Wuyi national park 武夷山国家公园 as well. It's officially opened to tourists starting this year. Wuyi is home to the Rock Tea 岩茶, including the most expensive tea in the world - Da Hong Pao 大紅袍.
The park is also home to one of the oldest preserved ecology in the world, dating back to ice age. Boat ride down the river there looks fun.
There's also a massive mall near Wuyi just for selling teaware. Of course if you're in Nanping, you have to check out the thousand year old art of making Jianzhan tea cups.
I can go on and on with tea... 那是我父母的家乡。我也是一个茶爱好者。
snow lost大红袍一般人都买不上 老树就那几颗常年被包 而且好些的那价格一般人喝不起原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
aren't Wuyi *tea trees protected by the government?
there are not many dahongpao producer in the market and the price is extremely expensive ..武夷茶树不是有政府保护吗? 市场上大红袍生产商不多,价格也非常贵。
Enoch Shen
Yes I appreciate a lot on these type of content, showing the Chinese tea production and why tea is more than just bubble tea or milk tea.
As a Cantonese myself I am particularly fond of tea and consume a lot of teas as well. Besides tieguanyin, Dancong from the Chaoshan region is also a gourmet type of oolong. Pretty much my go to along with Pu’er, Da hongpao, Dian(Yunnan) black tea and Longjing.
Besides the production there are also cultural aspect into tea making and brewing. An example would be there are only 3 cups in traditional Chaoshan tea serving despite the guest size. It is part of the tradition that no matter how many people you invited, the Chaoshan Host will only pour three cups of tea, and the cups will be sanitised with boiling hot water and be reused again. It is originated from an idiom and metaphor that people will get closer and become buddies to each other if you drink each other’s saliva. So that people can help each other when needed.
Keep it up with the quality of the content! Support as always.是的,我非常欣赏这些类型的内容,展示了中国的茶叶生产,以及为什么茶不仅仅是珍珠奶茶或奶茶。
保持视频内容的质量! 一如既往的支持你。
What I admire Amy the most, is her cheerful, friendly and warm character.
She is also full of energy and very knowledgeable too 我最欣赏艾米开朗、友好和热情的性格。她也充满活力,知识渊博。
A manager that actually knows how stuff is done in the field一个真正知道如何在现场做事的管理者。
It is good to see how China managed to apply technology to improve lives.
I can't remember but I think I saw a video how baby milk are made in China.
All these factories are so clean and modern.
Too bad some people still have the perception that China is backward.
Seems like you need to get a tea set to drink the oolong tea correctly.
Most of us just pour hot water over the tea leaves.很高兴看到中国如何运用技术改善生活。我不记得了,但我想我看过一个视频,婴儿奶粉是如何在中国制造的。所有这些工厂都非常干净和现代化。遗憾的是,有些人仍然认为中国落后。
H. C. LeeIf you have chance visit Yun Nan, can find out more on their
普洱古树茶 (tea tree more than hundred years old), no fertilizer, no chemical pesticides spray, all natural, most of them live in jungle. Due to the long age, the root very deep under the ground, can be several meters or more than 10 meter+, so the tree can absorb a lot of mineral and nutrition from the soil. So, if drink this kind the tea, really good for health.
如果你有机会去云南,可以更多了解关于普洱古树茶 (茶树树龄超过百岁),不施肥,不喷洒化学杀虫剂,全天然,大部分生活在丛林中。由于树龄长,树根在地下很深,可达几米或10多米,因此树木可以从土壤中吸收大量的矿物质和营养。所以,如果喝这种茶,真的对健康有好处。
Doris Ye普洱古树茶 is epic!!!!
Amber Sterling
I absolutely loved this video.
As a tea lover for many years, today I just learned a new one.
I'll be sourcing it here in Australia (hopefully, it's not too expensive).我非常喜欢这个视频。作为一个多年的茶爱好者,今天我刚学会了泡一种新的茶。我将在澳大利亚采购(希望不会太贵)。
Om Ni
Omg! Didn't know tea production is so high tech these days! Amy, this is like a high quality documentary on tieguanyin tea you have managed to score! Congrats! I have drank tiegaunyin tea here in Malaysia but obviously the one I tried was a low quality one hehe ??I do prefer Puer tea you once featured in one of your early vlogs天呐 ! 我还不知道现在茶叶生产这么高科技!
艾米,你拍了一部高质量的铁观音纪录片! 恭喜! 我在马来西亚喝过铁观音茶,但显然我喝的是劣质茶,呵呵。我更喜欢普洱茶,你在早期的一个视频博客里提到过。
Outside China, when westerners sat down in a Chinese restaurant, waiters usually served them northern style jasmine tea. However, when a Chinese sat down, the waiter would usually ask what tea was preferred. Run of the mill (Guangdong Yun-cha style) restaurant will have the usual 3: pu'er, tieguanyin, and jasmine. It's a 3 tiers system of red, amber and green. While a lot of Chinese are learning about different wines, it's time for non-Chinese to start learning about Chinese tea. Oh, you can be excused for not looking at the boring English tea.在中国境外,当西方人在中餐馆坐下时,服务员通常会为他们端上北方风格的茉莉花茶。然而,当中国人坐下时,服务员通常会问他们喜欢什么茶。普通(广东云茶风味)餐厅通常会有3种茶:
Because western people often drink coffee and soda因为西方人经常喝咖啡和苏打水。
Hunter6213Sau Mei (壽眉) is very popular in Hong Kong
OutsiderHere in most Chinese restaurants in suburban Sydney whether you ask for 鐵觀音,壽眉 or 水仙 they are taken from the same container.
在悉尼郊区的大多数中餐馆里,无论你点铁观音、寿眉还是水仙,它们都是从同一个容器里取的。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Too bad. So Amy, take notice. Next time you're back in Oz, make sure you know what you're getting.@Outsider
Yes yes, the Chinese really despise English tea with milk and sugar是的,中国人真的很讨厌加奶加糖的英式茶。
Black tea is green tea that has been fermented. We used to visit Qingshan (Near Mount Lao and Qingdao) Their entire economy was fishing and tea. When dining, they fed us two ocean vegetables not found anywhere else on Earth. You did a nice job with this!红茶是经过发酵的绿茶。我们过去常去青山(靠近崂山和青岛),他们的经济就是渔业和茶叶。吃饭时,他们给我们吃了两种地球上其他地方没有的海洋蔬菜。你做得很好!
Ken L
Seems like you had a great traveling experience in my hometown. Welcome to Qingdao! 看来你在我的家乡有一次很棒的旅行经历。欢迎来青岛。
This video is like one of those "How it's made" mini documentaries.
The next advancement in tea leave harvesting needs to be machine-collection. Picking them manually has got to be extremely gruelling.这个视频就像是“它是如何制作的”迷你纪录片。茶叶收获的下一步发展需要机器收集。手工挑选茶叶一定非常辛苦。
there are reasons why tea picking remains manual . One reason is that the crop is grown on hilly slops unlike crops such as cotton n wheat which are grown on flat plains n can be harvested by mechanical harvesters.他们仍用手工采茶是有原因的。一个原因是这种作物生长在丘陵坡地上,不像棉花和小麦等生长在平原上,可以用机械收割机收割。
The main reason why tea are pick by hand is that tou only pick the tip of the leaf that it unlike cotton that you do harvest all the cotton茶叶是手工采摘的主要原因是你只采摘叶尖,而不像棉花,你可以收获所有的棉花。
Kong Kong
inventing tea-picking robots would be very challenging but i've no doubt someone in china will crack it. perhaps some people have alraedy started looking at it发明采茶机器人将是非常具有挑战性的,但我相信中国一定会有人能做到这一点。也许有些人已经开始研究它了。
Valerie Van Kerckhove
Maybe they'll make fancy spider-shaped robots that can climb slopes and move up/down back/forth, with multiple little pincers to harvest the tea leaves. A small army of those would look like a doomsday movie but hey! @nanyanguo1
Ya Hxi
this is the only step which cannot be made with machines.这是唯一一个不能用机器完成的步骤。
stanbimiExcellent tour. Taste is always personal. My favourite tea is one of the Rock Tea 岩茶, it is called 鳳凰單叢 or 鳳凰水仙 , a branch of the rock tea. (I would translate it as the "Phoenix single tree" or "Phoenix Narcissus" tea - but neither the Phoenix nor the Narcissus flower has anything to do with the tea.) The tea comes from Guangdong province, although some might be grown in Fujian province too. Among this branch of tea trees are different flavors, over 80 varieties. The first one I tried got me hooked. The tea has a delightful floral scent and yet the taste of honey, which would linger on the palate. Can't believe tea can actually taste like natural honey!
Well worth trying, although not commonly found at stores.
非常棒的旅行。口味总是因人而异的。我最喜欢的茶是一种岩茶, 它被称为凤凰单丛或凤凰水仙 , 岩茶的一个分支。(我会将其翻译为“凤凰单树”或“凤凰水仙”茶-但凤凰和水仙花都与茶无关。)茶来自广东省,但也可能在福建省种植。在茶树的这一分支中,有80多种不同的口味。我第一次试的时候就上瘾了。这种茶有一种令人愉快的花香,还有蜂蜜的味道,让人回味无穷。真不敢相信茶竟然尝起来像天然蜂蜜!这很值得一试,尽管在商店里并不常见。
Thank you for the amazing video!
As a tea lover, I had not realised how complicated the tea leaf processing is.
The high tech factory also mind blowing!谢谢你的精彩视频!
scott tan
Really well done Amy from filming to editing.
Your conversational explanations on the history and processes to tasting were captivating , fascinating,
and educational.艾米,你从拍摄到剪辑都做得很好。你对历史和品尝过程的对话式的解释很吸引人,很有教育意义。
D Diego
I am impressed how much you know about Chinese culture and introduce it to the world.你对中国文化的了解和向世界介绍给我留下了深刻的印象。
Hakan Eskici
I am tremendously impressed by the
technology used in the tea processing factory just vaow我对茶叶加工厂使用的技术印象深刻。
Norman F Birnberg
Compared to the iced tea I drink every day,
tieguanyin tea is a work of art!与我每天喝的冰茶相比,铁观音茶是一件艺术品!
Ya Hxi
yes, tea art is an important branch of Chinese culture (which also heavily influenced JP)是的,茶艺是中国文化的一个重要分支( 对日本也有很大的影响)
I am addicted to food generally, but I have to admit that knowing what's behind a tea (well this tea) is really massive and interesting!我通常对食物上瘾,但我必须承认,知道茶(嗯,这种铁观音茶)的背后是什么真的很有趣!
Very informative! I’m a Chinese tea lover. Thank you for letting us know more about the high-tech process behind those tea leaves as well as their history. My mom loves Tieguanyin. Will try some Bama tea next time.非常有教育性!我是一个中国茶爱好者。感谢你让我们更多地了解这些茶叶背后的高科技工艺及其历史。我妈妈喜欢铁观音。下次我要尝尝八马的茶。
Fox Ultimate
Wow, as a tea lover I did not know a lot of the automation that goes into tea making nowadays.哇,作为一个爱茶的人,我对制茶的自动化程度知之甚少。
Grand Master
Tea in China are mostly sold in " Whole leaf ", not grind and refined into powder and put in tea bags, that way you know what you paid for and much more healthy as well.
For example, the black " Lipton Tea "
sold here in Australia which are grinded and refined into powder stored in tea bags ( Packed in United Emirates ), according to information written on the box in small fine print : "
The other sources of this tea blend includes Vietnam, Tanzania, Indonesia and Malawi ".
So there's an inconsistent in the quality of the tea leaf as it's from multiple countries, also do they spray pesticides on the tea farm ?在中国,茶叶大多以“整片茶叶”的形式销售,而不是研磨、提炼成粉末并放入茶包中,这样你就知道你买了什么,也更健康。
IQ Bang
I remember that Alibaba and JingDong started developing this robotic warehouse a few years ago. Now a small town tea factory also adopts this considered high-tech just for product hygiene reasons.我记得阿里巴巴和京东几年前开始开发这个机器人仓库。现在一家小镇茶厂也采用了这种被认为是高科技的产品,只是出于产品卫生的原因。
William PPL
The factory must smell really freaking good这家工厂闻起来一定很香
I hope you can have even more access to more Chinese companies!我希望你有更多机会接触到更多的中国企业!
This is great content Blondie! I am Chinese American and know so little of Chinese tea ( so embarrassed!). Hope you would also cover the subjects of food herbs, and medicinal healthy Chinese “super foods”, such as gingeng, mushrooms, bduddhist vegetarian dishes etc. There are a lot of traditional, very tasty medicinal soups for all sorts of yin or yang health conditions that families home-cook to tonify, nourish and improve their health.. Do research on this subject…it would be most fun and interesting. Maybe you, Nico and Jack can hook up and do a joint program on this subject. Thank you, and always enjoy watching your vblogs, and your beautiful energy and fun charm!金发妞,这集内容很好! 我是华裔美国人,对中国茶知之甚少(太尴尬了!) 。希望你也能报导食物中草药,以及药用健康的中国“超级食物”,如生姜、蘑菇、佛教素菜等。有很多传统的,非常美味的药用汤,针对各种阴阳健康状况,家庭可以在家烹饪,以补充,滋养和改善他们的健康。做一些关于这个主题的研究,那会很有趣的。也许你、尼克和杰克可以一起做一个关于这个主题的节目。谢谢你,永远喜欢看你的视频博客,还有你充满魅力和能量!
Super cool even for a Chinese native like me! You should keep doing those "behind the scenes of xxx"!即使对我这样的中国人来说,这也太酷了! 你应该继续做那些“幕后的xxx”!
Baatar Beifong
I hope Netflix's Avatar the Last Airbender can make tea preparation and consumption as engagingly shown (especially with Iroh in Season 2) as was done in this video!我希望Netflix的《阿凡达:最后的风之子》可以像这个视频中展示的那样沏茶和喝茶 (尤其是第二季中的艾洛) !
Tieguanyin is my favorite tea! The taste is very light, fragrant, and distinct. It’s still relatively unknown in the western world even though it’s a common tea. Pro tip- you can order this premium tea at dim sum restaurants instead of their house tea.铁观音是我最喜欢的茶! 味道很淡,很香,很独特。尽管它是一种普通的茶,但在西方,它仍然相对鲜为人知。小贴士-你可以在点心餐厅点这种高级茶,而不是他们的家庭茶。
Really enjoyed this video. I think the "how its made" is a refreshing direction that dives deeper into the origins of food. How about mooncakes since mid autumn is around the corner?真的很喜欢这个视频。我认为“它是如何制作的”是一个让人耳目一新的方向,它能更深入地探究食物的起源。中秋节快到了,制作一个关于月饼如何制作的视频怎么样?
Loving these How It's Made Behind-the-Scene tours. Super interesting and amazing video on the complicated process of tieguanyin tea!喜欢这些幕后制作之旅。这是一个关于铁观音复杂制茶过程的超有趣超赞视频!
GK Tang
Tieguanyin and Oolong are my favorite tea. Thank you very much that in this video, Tieguanyin starts from this region.
Whatever you call it, tea, teh or chai, it starts from here, CHA in China.
No matter who you are, whether you are British, Japanese or Indian, the tea drinking culture starts from China.
Amazing to learn that the tea production is now modernized. After this excursion I think you have become an expert now.铁观音和乌龙茶是我最喜欢的茶。非常感谢大家,在这个视频中,铁观音就是从这个地区开始的。
不管你叫它什么, tea, teh or chai,它起源于这里,中国的茶。
Guillaume Couture-Lévesque
Really interesting video. Looks like my local(ish) tea shop has some Anxi teiguanyin. Picking some up to taste!非常有趣的视频。我们当地的茶馆好像有安溪的铁观音。我要去挑选一些来品尝!
Joao Wust
Nice video as always,. thumbs up! i visited some Chinese tea fields in China also it's really impressive and interesting...一如既往的好视频。赞一个! 我参观了中国的一些茶园,也非常令人印象深刻和有趣
grew up/living in the US, this channel is literally helping me learn more about my culture and all of the delicious chinese foods... at least until i can actually visit again我在美国长大/生活,这个频道真的帮助我更多地了解我的文化和所有美味的中国食物。 至少在我能再去之前。
Another great video Amy, infotainment at its best. I heard Anxi is a very beautiful place too. Hope you enjoyed the scenery as much as you did the tea there. Btw, some say when you prepare and drink tea the right way, you can actually slow down time. Let us know if that’s what you experienced yourself.又一个很棒的视频,艾米,最好的信息娱乐。我听说安溪也是一个非常美丽的地方。希望你喜欢那里的风景,就像喜欢那里的茶一样。顺便说一句,有人说如果你正确地准备和喝茶,你实际上可以让时间慢下来。如果你自己也有这样的经历,请告诉我们。
Monica Yu
This is such a great episode. Love it! Thank you for showing the world of Chinese tea making!这一集太棒了。非常喜欢! 感谢你向世界展示中国制茶过程!原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
This video is so good even a teatotaller will find it interesting! 这个视频是如此的好,即使一个茶商也会发现它很有趣!
Rebecca Yu He
I cannot wait to show it to my Chinese language students Friday! By the way, Amy, you're my students' favorite vlogger。我等不及周五给我的中文学生们看了!
Schlaf mütze
Amy should go to Xinjiang and show the "forced labor" . It might just be also automated. Without your video I would always think everything is still being done by hand.艾米应该去新疆看看“强迫劳动”。它也可能是自动化的。如果没有你的视频,我会一直认为一切都是手工完成的。
Allen Lau
With all that tech, efficiency, profitability, who the heck believes in slave cotton labour? 有了这么多技术、效率和盈利能力,谁会相信奴隶棉农?
Bigo Anglosaxon
Tea was China originated and I'm a TEA person茶起源于中国,我是一个喜欢喝茶的人原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Chinese teas is actually what brought my interest into chinese culture, I am a huge tea geek. Although machine processed can be fine for tie guan yin I would say in general hand-processed is often higher quality. My personal favorite is Gushu Sheng Pu'er from Lao Man'e and that tea simply must be hand processed.中国茶让我对中国文化产生了兴趣,我是一个超级茶迷。虽然机器加工的铁观音很好,但我想说,一般手工加工的质量往往更高。我个人最喜欢的是老曼峨的古树生普洱茶,它是纯手工加工的。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Ella May
Wow. I picked tea yesterday here in FUJIAN province 哇。我昨天在福建这里采茶。
Boyi Yelcham闽南人表示更喜欢肉桂岩茶和大红袍这种,铁观音紧随其后
Re Loadwow, 真是涨了姿势.
作为一个铁观音的忠实粉丝, 不知道居然有这么多步骤.
Bruce Stone国营茶厂的条件非常的好,产品质量也比茶农自己私种的要好很多原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Boooth原来乌龙茶需要这么多的工序,涨见识了,谢谢 Amy
freshman NY我在泉州同学那里喝过一次铁观音,真的好喝(口感不错,她招待我的应该是好的铁观音),她是做茶叶生意的,经常去安溪收茶。
Bruce Huang我聽著王國振先生的口音,感到濃濃的親切感,他的口音跟台灣老一輩的人說的普通話,完全一模一樣,好親切。
Tracy Dicky中國的茶葉賣太好
Bigg Wong
Very interesting video, learn a lot while not boring at all.
Thanks Amy.非常有趣的视频,学到了很多,但一点也不无聊。
bill lee
Now I figured out why the British were willing to go to war over tea现在我明白为什么英国人愿意为了茶而发动战争了
Maybe 50 years later, we no need human join to process any part of producing tea.也许50年后,我们不需要人类参与生产茶叶的任何过程。
wert L虽然我天天喝蜜桃乌龙茶 但是我都不知道乌龙茶和绿茶红茶的区别
Allen Lee一如既往的高品质视频!我觉得amy可以开另一个主题:中国传统技艺之旅,不仅仅是外国人,好多中国人其实也都很感兴趣的,比如我,真的好多东西都不知道哈哈哈哈哈,看得很开心,学到了很多。
Winston Tan
The tea teacher is so strict haha茶道老师太严格了,哈哈。
HH XX哈哈,我也经常喝八马茶业的赛珍珠铁观音!!!总算知道我喝的茶是怎么生长的了,太赞了!!!
Yan Fang学习了很多铁观音知识哈哈,话说这泡茶真的有很大学问,我泡茶就是没有我老师泡茶好喝!
Benji Sun *Moxie*
love Tieguanyin.
that's the bulk of the tea in my freezer.我喜欢铁观音。我冰箱里的茶就这么多了。
george zhang
I live in Sydney and enjoy your program.我住在悉尼,喜欢你的视频。
bo xia
Great video! Eye-opening for me很棒的视频! 令我大开眼界原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Raka Indrawan
Can you make video about your journey of learning mandarin/chinese and method to mastering language faster你能制作一个关于你学习普通话的过程和更快掌握语言的方法的视频吗?
Yu Zou
Best documentary I ever watched这是我看过的最好的纪录片。
YY W巧了,我每天遛狗的路上就有家八马茶业的店,前几天刚注意到。
You should drink more tea it keeps your body healthy because you are a food adventurer you ate a lot of spicy and oily food.你应该多喝茶,它保持你的身体健康,因为你是一个食物冒险家,你吃了很多辛辣和油腻的食物。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Allen Lau
Tieguanyin means "iron goddess" or something like that?铁观音的是“铁一样的女神”之类的意思吗?
helen hai最喜欢喝铁观音。去淘宝下单去…
This is educational.
Americans drink coffee, not much tea.
Queen of England always wanted higher and higher tea taxes and that made America independence.这很有教育性。美国人喝咖啡,不怎么喝茶。英国女王一直想提高茶叶税,这使得美国独立。
Cary Zhang我特别喜欢铁观音奶冻,哈哈
Yvain yin喝了这么多年茶、都没怎么了解茶文化。
9号半‘ Tassie Life
Chinese oolong is bloody amazing. Check out Duck Shit Tea.中国的乌龙茶真是太棒了。去看看鸭屎茶吧。

八马的茶叶很好值得推荐, 到安溪了能不去福州吗?福州有茉莉花茶。
Alory Wang"還是沒有你的那個好喝" “對!”原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
sayaandyang saya
Chinese tea is good for health.中国茶有益健康。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Please do an episode on Yunnan pu'er请做一期关于云南普洱的视频
...I did not know Tianguanyin is oolong tea...damn.我不知道天观音是乌龙茶,该死。
1:05 tons of wind turbine... Thanks for showing it1:05吨风力涡轮机。谢谢你的展示
清扬 杜
will you come to fuzhou amy?艾米,你会来福州吗?
Nepalese In China
Tea is boring for me even I drink them since childhood茶对我来说很乏味,即使我从小就喝茶。
Kin W
Pls possible give us a web lix where to buy this bama tea?请给我们一个网址,在哪里可以买到这种八马茶?
Just a guess, but try Alibaba.我猜可以试试阿里巴巴。
Jin Feng知道是业配,明天去八马买个铁观音去给亲人过中秋去
Vic Tang像是选咖啡豆呢,好棒
Sebastian BarthezMy gosh, I see shehulk in the beginning of this video...... And you are wearing green cap, makes me think that 這幾年你在中國都白活了。 if you understand the metaphor of wearing a green cap.
我的天,我在这个视频的开头看到了女浩克 。而你戴着绿帽子,让我觉得這几年你在中国都白活了。如果你理解戴绿帽子的比喻。
wert L机器人太先进了!
Hungkin Mak
Great video. Who's the cameraman here?很棒的视频。摄影师是谁?
Blondie in China
My friend came with me! She also helped me film the videos coming in the next few weeks as I travel across Fujian and Guangdong我的朋友和我一起来了! 她还会帮我拍摄接下来几周在福建和广东旅行的视频。
Ben YAN我去过安溪
I don't care because I only drink T2 exclusively. 我不在乎,因为我只喝T2。
本文目录一览1,东南亚国家在历史上也有像中国这样的茶文化吗2,世界各地的奇特饮茶习俗最大的区别有哪些3,东盟 哪些国家 有喝茶习惯谢谢1,东南亚国家在历史上也有像中国这样的茶文化吗
世界上有100多个国家和地区的人喜欢喝茶,有些地方甚至把喝茶当作一种艺术和享受。当然,每个地方的饮茶方法和习俗都不一样。以下是不同地方的饮茶习俗。马里人喜欢在饭后喝茶。他们煮茶的方式非常不同。他们每天起床后在锡罐里烧水,然后把茶叶放进去。让它煮到同时煮的培根熟透,然后一边吃肉一边喝茶。加拿大人喜欢喝加了乳糖或糖的茶,他们泡茶的方法也很特别。他们先把一个陶罐加热,放上一茶匙茶叶,然后把沸水倒在上面,浸泡七八分钟,再把茶叶倒在另一个热罐里饮用。埃及人喜欢喝甜茶。当他们招待客人时,往往会带一杯热茶,里面放很多白糖,再带一杯生冷水来稀释茶水,以示对客人的尊重。喝了两三杯这种浓浓的甜茶后,嘴里会有粘稠的感觉。英国人喝茶,颇成狂好,也很隆重,早上起床后,6点钟空腹喝 "床上茶",上午11点钟喝 "早茶",午饭后再喝 "下午茶",晚饭后喝 "晚茶"。英国人常在茶中加入柠檬、方糖等调料。据说这样可以减少容易伤胃的茶碱,更能起到保健作用。在许多南美国家,茶叶与当地马德拉树的叶子混合后饮用。喝茶时,先把茶叶放进罐子里,烧开水,然后用长吸管插在大杯子里吸。与我们平时喝茶不同的是,东南亚,如缅甸、泰国等地是把茶叶当菜吃的;南亚国家喜欢喝红茶,而且是很浓的红茶,喝时要加糖和牛奶;北美人总讲究生活节奏快,喝茶多是喝速溶茶,把茶叶煮开后再冷却,喝时要加各种辅料;因为非洲很热,人们喝绿茶解暑。不过,茶与中国的茶有点不同,他们喜欢在茶里加点薄荷叶,生活压力大了就放点糖来放松。
3,东盟 哪些国家 有喝茶习惯谢谢
东盟10个成员国:文莱(1984年)、柬埔寨(1999年)、印度尼西亚、老挝(1997年)、马来西亚、缅甸(1997年)、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南(1995年)。多年来,我国对东盟茶叶出口均保持在6,000-8000吨左右,出口金额在1,000多万美元。新加坡为我国绿茶对东盟出口数量最大市场,缅甸其次,泰国、印度尼西亚和马来西亚分列第三至第五位,对菲律宾和柬埔寨均有出口。我国对东盟红茶出口主要为缅甸、马来西亚、泰国和新加坡。我国特种茶对东盟各国出口依次为马来西亚、新加坡、印度尼西亚、柬埔寨和菲律宾。东南亚国家茶俗东南亚主要的饮茶国家有越南、老挝、柬埔寨、缅甸、泰国、新加坡、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、文莱等。这些国家人民,受华人饮茶风习影响,历来就有饮茶习俗。饮茶方式也多种多样:既有饮绿茶、红茶的,也有饮乌龙茶、普洱茶、花茶的;既有饮热茶的,也有饮冰茶的;既有饮清茶的,也有饮调味茶的。1、新加坡喝茶呈现多元。当地大部分人为华侨或华裔,因此他们也很爱饮茶。农历新年,一盅清茶,佐以橄榄,称为“无宝茶”,寓意恭喜发财。喝下午茶则是以吃为主,茶的好坏却不十分重要。即使是在五星级宾馆喝茶,也常常会用茶叶袋泡的大壶茶来待客。除了中国茶和英国茶之外,新加坡特有的“长茶”——把泡好的红茶加牛奶,然后泡茶人把奶茶倒进罐子里。由于“长茶”的杯子相当大,喝起来相当过瘾,喝茶者边品茶,边欣赏精彩的倒茶,心情也会变得轻松。新加坡和马来西亚的肉骨茶——就是一边吃肉骨,一边喝茶。肉骨,多选用新鲜带瘦肉的排骨,也有用猪蹄、牛肉或鸡肉的。烧制时,肉骨先用作料进行烹调,文火炖熟。有的还会放上党参、枸杞、熟地等滋补名贵药材,使肉骨变得更加清香味美,而且能补气生血,富有营养。而茶叶则大多选自福建产的乌龙茶,如大红袍、铁观音之类。吃肉骨茶时,有一条不成文的规定,就是人们在吃肉骨时,必须饮茶。如今,肉骨茶已成为一种大众化的食品,肉骨茶的配料也应运而生。在新加坡、以来西亚,以及中国的香港特别行政区等地的一些超市内,都可买到适合自己口味的肉骨茶配料。2、缅甸和泰国有着极具特色的“嚼茶”。嚼茶的食用方法是,先将茶树的嫩叶蒸一下,然后再用盐腌,最后掺上少量的盐和其他佐料,放在口中嚼食。冰茶也是这些热带国家的饮茶习惯。泰国人喝冰茶:泰国人饮茶的习惯很奇特,他们常常在一杯热茶中加入一些小冰块,这样茶很快就冰凉了。在气候炎热的泰国,饮用此茶使人倍感凉快、舒适。泰国腌茶——泰国北部地区,与中国云南接壤,这里的人们有喜欢吃腌茶的风俗,其法与出自中国云南少数民族的制作腌茶一样,通常在雨季腌制。腌茶,其实是一道菜,吃时将它和香料拌和后,放进嘴里细嚼。又因这里气候炎热,空气潮湿,而用时吃腌菜,又香又凉,所以,腌茶成了当地世代相传的一道家常菜。3、缅甸缅族人饮食习惯:饭后有喝咖啡或热茶的习惯,不过他们爱喝的是怪味茶(即有茶叶拌黄豆粉、虾米松、虾酱油、洋葱头末、炒熟的辣椒籽等,搅拌后冲成怪味茶饮用)。4、马来西亚是马来人、华人和印度人等多民族国度,传统喝的是"拉茶"。拉茶是传自印度的饮品,用料与奶茶差不多。“拉茶”是各族人们共同喜爱的茶饮料——先将红茶泡好,滤出茶渣,并将茶汤与炼乳混合,倒入带柄的不锈钢铁罐内,然后一手持空罐,一手持盛有茶汤的罐子,将茶汤以约一米的距离,倒入空罐,接着是倒回来又倒过去,倒来倒去七、八次(为了均匀茶汤,让茶与奶彻底融合,并增加水的活性,营造口感的滑顺感),由于茶汤在运动的过程中,两罐距离忽而由近到远,忽而由远到近,与“拉面”的动作有几分相似。5、缅甸人精神上受印度文化影响,佛教盛行,物质上则受中国文化影响。喝茶的习惯相信是从印度或中国传来。缅甸人很喜欢喝茶,早午晚餐都在茶座/茶餐厅解决,一天喝上三五次的茶是常事,生活非常悠闲。除中国茶以外,当地的缅甸茶是锡兰茶叶加炼奶,由小玻璃杯或瓷杯由瓷盘盛着,口味很甜。6、印度尼西亚的冰茶——在一日三餐中,印度尼西亚人民认为中餐比早、晚餐更重要,饭菜的品种花样也比较多。但他们有个习惯,不管春、夏、秋、冬,吃完中餐以后,不是喝热茶,而是要喝一碗冰冷的冰茶。凉茶,又称冰茶,通常用红茶冲泡而成,再加入一些糖和作料,随即放入冰箱,随时取饮。7、越南的玳玳花茶 越南毗邻中国广西,饮茶风俗很有些与中国广西相仿。此外,他们还喜欢饮一种玳玳花茶。玳玳花(蕾)洁白馨香,越南人喜欢把玳玳花晒干后,放上3-5朵,和茶叶一起冲泡饮用。由于这种茶是由玳玳花和茶两者相融,故名玳玳花茶。玳玳花茶有止痛、去痰、解毒等功效。一经冲泡后,绿中透出点点白的花蕾,煞是好看;喝起来又芳香可口。如此饮茶,饶有情趣。


更多关于 马来西亚什么茶受欢迎 的文章

